
definition of scrupulous

The word scrupulous supports multiple references ...

When an individual performs the function or the work that has been entrusted to him with extreme care and putting great care and meticulousness at every step, is often called scrupulous for such circumstances. Juan is a very scrupulous student, well earned he has the scholarship.

Also, the word scrupulous is used at the request of wanting to account for someone who doubts or fears about the veracity or existence of a thing.

On the other hand, the word scrupulous is usually used to refer to feel or usually feel apprehension or disgust towards certain things. My sister is very scrupulous, she doesn't wash the dishes without putting on gloves first..

And finally we also use the word scrupulous to refer to that which provokes or causes scruples. We are living a scrupulous situation with Juan in hospital without knowing what he has ...

The word scruple has its origin in the Latin term scrupulus which implies that small pebble that gets into the shoe, meanwhile, it is a term used to refer to that restlessness in the mood that is caused by doubt about something or someone, if it is good, or if on the contrary it turns out to be bad, if it is something right or something wrong or if it is true or false.

Although its use is mostly applied in relation to what causes disgust or nausea in food, the word scruple is also used in the religious context to account for the excessive restlessness of the conscience, because the scrupulous conscience, whether, for slight reasons or without any reasonable cause, normally fears sin even in that place where it does not exist.

Meanwhile, the term scrupulous is linked to other terms that are normally used as synonyms for it: fussy, picky, delicate, fearful, fearful, watched, apprehensive, precise, thorough, punctual, attentive, exact, fair, careful, and uncompromising; and on the contrary, it opposes terms such as: abandoned and neglected.

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