
definition of superfluous

It is said that something is superfluous when the function it performs is not relevant and, therefore, it is something unnecessary or dispensable. This adjective comes from the Latin word "superfluus", which in its literal sense means "flowing overhead".

Innecesary expenses

In the domestic economy, we usually talk about two types of expenses: the necessary and the superfluous. The first are those of which it is not possible to do without, such as food consumption, payment of electricity supply or any product or service that is essential. However, sometimes we buy products that we really do not need and when this happens there is a superfluous expense.

The world of appearances and chonis and canis

Those people who attach great importance to appearances are considered superficial. They are individuals whose interests are in fashion, fun, gossip, and taking care of their body.

The superficiality in the human being is as old as humanity itself. However, in recent years there has been a social phenomenon to refer to this type of individuals. The term chonismo is commonly used to refer to Choni women. The choni dresses in bright colors, likes piercings and tattoos, wears platform shoes and makes up in an exaggerated way.

Apart from its aesthetics, it has little academic training and its own jargon. The cani is the masculine version of the choni and his favorite clothes are the tracksuit, tight tank tops, caps and sports shoes. In some ways, chonis and canis are the prototype of superficial women and men.

Although both terms are unique to Spain, this human category exists throughout the world with some small variations. The aesthetics and values ​​of these individuals have been popularized through some television programs, the well-known reality shores.

A phenomenon on a planetary level

The reality shore is a television format that emerged in the United States and that in a few years has spread to countries such as Mexico, Colombia or Spain.

Those who participate in these programs are characterized by two fundamental aspects: they have a great concern for their aesthetics and physical appearance and entertainment is their main vital objective.

Photo: Fotolia - Sebos

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