
rule definition

As a rule, various questions are concerned.

On the one hand, the measuring instrument is called a ruler that has the shape of a thin and rectangular plate and that on one of its sides presents a graduated scale divided into centimeters or inches and that is mostly used when having to draw segments straight lines using a pen or pencil, or failing that to neatly underline a paragraph or phrase within a text.

It can be made of a rigid, semi-rigid, flexible structure in wood, metal or plastic.

Its length almost never usually exceeds one meter and as we mentioned above, they always come with graduations of the various units of measurement: millimeters, decimeters, centimeters, inches, among the most common.

Regarding their use, the rules have various uses and applications, disciplines such as architecture, geometry and engineering use them a lot, also carpenters and students often use them in their respective fields. For example, in these contexts the rule is considered an essential utensil, for example, in the pencil case of a student there should be a rule because it will be used in several of the subjects taught at school.

The graduated rule is undoubtedly the most popular and is characterized by presenting a scale of values ​​that will allow knowing the length of something. Usually the ruler of this type is divided into inches and their respective divisions indicated on the surface in such a way that when placing it on what is to be measured we will know it immediately by guiding ourselves by that scale.

The ruler also allows us to draw straight lines of a certain length. The most widely used length is the 30 centimeter ruler and it also usually has millimeters and decimeters.

On the other hand, as a rule, it will be called the norm or regulation of compulsory behavior, dictated by a competent authority and whose non-compliance or ignorance will result in the application of a certain sanction. For example, if in a school, one of the rules says that students must arrive at 7:45 in the morning, any late arrival without their pertinent excuse will entail a punishment that can materialize in a warning.

But in addition to the legal rules that appear contained in regulations or ordinances, there are social rules, which are that series of socially recognized and accepted rules, uses, customs, fashion and tradition, among others. Although non-compliance with them will not be penalized by law if it can be plausible of reproach or social discrimination.

The rule then has, on the one hand, the motivating function of preventing violations of the prescribed or accepted coexistence conditions. And on the other hand, it presents the function of protecting the aforementioned conditions and of some legal rights, such is the case of health, life, among the most important.

In both and at the behest of most games and sports, the rules will represent the set of instructions that indicate how to do something or, failing that, how to behave.

Also, in some parts of the world, the menstruation period that occurs in women and female animals is also designated by the rule word. It consists of the bleeding that results from the ovum when it is expelled by the ovary and did not mediate fertilization by the male gamete, sperm. In the last phase of the period or postovulatory phase, the endometrium, which had been preparing in thickness to receive and cause the fertilized ovum to be implanted, is detached.

Its composition is mostly blood, endometrial tissue and other vaginal fluids that just come out of the vagina and can last between five days to a week.

In mathematics, the word rule also has a special importance and participation, since it will designate the methods to carry out an operation. The famous rule-of-three problems, for example, that help us to calculate the value of a quantity by comparing it with three other known quantities.

And the last of the uses that the word rule has is the one that is used when you want to realize that a certain question turns out as it should. This sense is often used a lot at the request of procedures with the expression the documentation presented is in order, the same to say that it is correct and subject to what corresponds.

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