
definition of cognitive

The word cognitive is an adjective that is used to refer to knowledge or everything related to it.

It will be through cognition then that human beings can process any type of information based on perception, already acquired knowledge and subjective characteristics that will allow assessing and considering certain aspects to the detriment of others.

Cognitive processes can be natural or artificial, conscious or unconscious, and for this reason their study has been approached from different perspectives.

On the other hand, the term cognition is often used to mean the act of knowing.

Cognitive development is considered as the effort that a child will make to understand what he is and the world that surrounds him, so that once these aspects are understood, he can act as the world suggests. When we are born, we all come into the world with an innate ability to adapt to the environment to which we belong. All this development will involve a series of successive stages, in which and in each one, the child will develop a new way of operating. Meanwhile, there will be three fundamental principles that will guide this process: organization, balance and adaptation.

On the other hand and within psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy turns out to be the most widely used psychological treatment in places like the United States and Europe and also the one that has always reported the best results. This therapy model starts from the close relationship that exists between issues such as cognition, the environment, affect, behavior and biology, then, all the cognitive components, thoughts, images, beliefs, will be vital when it comes to understanding cognitive disorders and of course when it comes to providing solutions to solve them.

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