
definition of disclosure

The term disclosure refers to the act of disclosing, making something known and therefore making it public, that knowledge is propagated, disclosed.

Normally, the word disclosure is used to refer to informative material of various types and forms whose main objective is to make different topics reach the common of society, topics that may be more difficult to understand or are not traditional, make them more affordable and understandable to all audiences.

The act of disclosing always has to do with the notion of publishing or propagating something since there can be no disclosure if a certain set of data or information remains in the power of a single person. Disclosure, therefore, is what allows a society to receive different types of data in a more or less organized manner. This data can usually be disclosed for useful purposes, although in many cases the disclosure of personal or private information is about curiosity and not really usefulness.

Scientific dissemination: specialized knowledge is proposed to reach the general public

Disclosure is related in many cases to the propagation of scientific data or data that the common people do not normally have access to, as we indicated above. This occurs through the literature in order to bring a large part of the population closer to processed information and converted into accessible data. Scientific dissemination, for example, can occur in a literary form or through powerful scientific publications for all those who do not carry out scientific tasks.

The work carried out by scientific dissemination has a substantial relevance because what it does is to make more accessible knowledge and topics that in principle are reserved for specialized fields. It uses, for example, a less technical and more colloquial language, which the general public can understand in a simple way, and thus the common people, although they do not have previous preparation or knowledge, can learn data and discoveries that allow them to understand some issues of their reality, improve their health and even contribute to the care of the natural environment. This type of dissemination is traditionally carried out through specialized magazines, television, radio, and on the Internet in blogs or specialized websites.

Disclosure is, without a doubt, the primary objective of all the media. Without the ability to disclose data, those would not exist. Disclosure today can be done through numerous and very powerful methods that are becoming increasingly difficult to control due to their widespread reach and immediacy. The variety of topics, spaces, supports and data with which it can be disseminated also makes information advertising a highly complex and unique phenomenon in history.

Process that evolved with advances in communication and technology

Disclosure is a process that has changed in terms of form over the years and of course also with the introduction of technology in that process. When the printing press or the internet were not even a project, the dissemination of knowledge and topics was done only through orality. This situation sometimes generated misunderstandings, because of course, there were possibilities that the information did not arrive in the correct way but with several misrepresentations.

In the 15th century, with the arrival of the printing press, the dissemination of knowledge and news could be made more extensive and not to mention the possibilities that the internet and the mass media offer in this matter today. Both allow content of all kinds to reach from one side of the planet to the other in minutes.

Now, and especially with the information that appears on the internet, you have to be careful because many times it is given as certain information that is erroneous or false.

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