
definition of internships

It is known as internship to professional practice performed by students, generally during the last years of the career, or immediately after graduation, to put into practice the knowledge and skills learned.

Professional practice of students deployed during the last years of study to gain experience

We could say that the intern, as the individual who performs an internship is called, is an apprentice who carries out the internship with the clear goal of gaining experience in your field of study or profession.

The objectives proposed by the internships is that the student, through the practice of the profession he studies, discovers in situ and per se, the labor world that he will have to go through, and also on the other hand, combine experience that allows him to develop the profession in a compliant manner.

Nothing will be more effective, to crown the learning process of a profession, than to do it in the field in which it will act.

Let's think about the law student, it will help a lot to do an internship in a law firm, or in courts, since moving in these workplaces that will be so common after graduation will help you gain experience and also know how to act and perform in certain situations.

They must effectively fulfill the role of providing experience to the intern

Always, the internship must offer the intern the conditions and the necessary tools to be able to develop satisfactorily in the chosen work field, therefore, that internship that cannot fulfill one hundred percent with the mission of training the student or recent graduate, for For example, hiring students but without worrying that they receive training in return, it will be considered that it contravenes not only the labor law that provides it, but also the essence of the practice.

In most cases the internships are unpaid or if they are, the pay is really very low.

In recent years, this issue has become a double-edged sword, since many companies make use of the internship in order to obtain cheaper labor and also to reduce their expenses in terms of human resources.

To the individual who guides or orients the intern is known as a tutor.

Difference between intern and intern

And finally, it is important to note that although both terms are commonly used interchangeably, that is, as synonyms, intern and internship refer to two totally different questions, since the intern is the person that a company hires to perform a function and in return gives them financial aid that must be used to pay for their study expenses.

Although it is a reality that many companies have abused and abused the hiring of interns to reduce their expenses, not for this reason, it should be undervalued or undervalued, since under ideal conditions it turns out to be a fundamental tool to properly train employees. future professionals, so that they are soaked in the exercise of the profession and then, go from the theoretical learning they receive in the universities to learn the practice directly on the “playing field”.

Agreements between universities and companies

Normally, companies and universities sign agreements in which they determine the conditions of the internships that they will promote so that students decide to enroll in them and thus have an opportunity to contact the labor market to which they will belong in a short time when they graduate , and obviously to acquire the long-awaited experience.

Although it is a not so auspicious reality that we mentioned above regarding the petty use that some companies make with internships, it is also a reality that there are many companies that value them and the interns they incorporate, and keep a job position if, after compliance with it, they have performed satisfactorily.

Universities have what is popularly known as job boards in which their students sign up, and when companies demand employees, they usually make a selection among those enrolled.

It is also frequent that the faculties themselves, in their newsletters and information, announce searches for interns and then the students can go to the call and participate in an interview to access the position.

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