
definition of pessimistic

The term pessimistic is a qualifying adjective that is used to designate certain types of people who maintain a negative or pessimistic view of life, the situations that happen around them, etc. Pessimism is characterized by presenting all or numerous situations in a negative way, without allowing the positive elements, lessons and learning that each circumstance may also have to come to light. Although pessimism can be present in any person in particular and determined situations, the pessimistic person is the one who continually handles himself with this attitude and does not have the ability to enjoy circumstances or moments that for others are completely positive.

A pessimistic person could be considered to be a person with some type of emotional or psychological alteration that prevents them from facing situations with confidence, with joy or understanding those moments that they live as moments of learning, effort and achievement. Generally, a pessimistic person is a person who is invaded by anguish, fear, fear, disappointment, bitterness and negativity. Although all these traits are elements that make up the psychic and emotional system of a person, it is common today that their presence is so strong and permanent that it ends up generating alterations and complications for the person at an organic and somatic level.

The pessimist, in addition, can develop social problems while the people around him tend to get tired or weary of his permanently negative attitude about life. For many, pessimism is contagious since it is easier to observe the negative things in life than the good ones. For this reason, when a person is extremely pessimistic, they also tend to withdraw socially, do not enjoy the company of others, be little tolerant of others and end up with numerous social, work, family and love problems.

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