
definition of demonstrate

The word show We use it frequently in our language to indicate various issues.

Proving a fact through tests

To the action carried out by a person of proving a situation and expressing your truth about an issue and accompanying it with evidence that confirms your sayings is called proving.

As much as I try with more fake smiles, I can't show that I like Karina. The sales manager showed us with the latest statistics that sales fell sharply this month.”

Manifestation that has the mission to prove something

On the other hand, we also habitually use the word when it comes to wanting to declare something, express a question or when something is presented as an indication of something, that is, it shows us this or that situation.

With those unpleasant actions, you do not show me at all that you care, otherwise you would not. The students showed the teacher all their gratitude with a huge poster hanging at the entrance of the classroom and saying thank you, teacher.”

Practical teaching

Likewise, another use that we give to the word in ordinary language is to indicate practical teaching about something. "For example, Juan bought the same smart phone as his friend Mario and then asks him to show him how the basic functions work, since Mario's knowledge of the device is complete."

For example, we find several synonyms for this term, one for each of the senses expressed above: declare, prove and teach.

Now, the result of this action is known as demonstration and both terms are usually used together, given the interrelation they present.

Presentations of services and products to show their advantages

Generally, the words demonstrate and demonstration are widely used in product and service presentation contexts since it is common that in the face of the imminent release of a new product, or at the request of the relaunch of one that is already on the market but is They attribute, for example, new characteristics, the company that produces them holds an event for the press and the public in which all the qualities of the product in question will be demonstrated.

The most common is that they even include live tests on the scope and effects of the product.

Express feelings and emotions

On the other hand, the concept of demonstrating is used frequently when one wants to account for the expression of feelings or emotions through various actions, sayings, gestures, among others.

Thus, people usually refer to that this or that shows or demonstrated their love, hatred, sympathy, liking for another or for something, in certain circumstances.

For example, a kiss, a thank you, a hug, a I love you, are demonstrations of affection and affection that someone professes to someone they love, or also when they want to thank a person for what they have done for them in a situation.

On the contrary, a physical aggression, an insult, a frown, will be clear indicators of the dislike that a person is feeling for another or for some situation in which he is involved.

There are people who have a special tendency to show their feelings and for example, every time they feel something good or bad for another, they say it, they manifest it, they demonstrate it, openly.

Traditionally, we call them demonstrative people, because they are not just itching to show the world what they feel for this or that.

This way of behaving, of showing what they feel for others, makes people consider them as genuine and sincere people, because the tendency is to consider as unreliable those people who do not show what they feel, but even more, hide it .

Now, we cannot ignore that behind this last attitude there may be a tendency to shyness or excessive introversion, which causes the person to be unable to openly demonstrate to a large number of people what they feel for others.

Beyond the above we cannot ignore that in the intimate plane of couples the demonstration of love turns out to be a fundamental condition, because the security of the relationship and the feeling loved by the other depend a lot on them.

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