
definition of resolutive

The resolutive term is an adjective of a qualifying type that is used to refer to a type of action or personality, of character that allows things to be resolved easily and quickly. Usually, the term is used to describe a person although it can also be used to designate an object such as some technological implement or perhaps a medicine, in other words, for any element that aims to solve problematic situations.

As is clear, the word resolutive as an adjective is related to the verb solve, an action through which one seeks to solve a problem or end it through the use of an appropriate strategy. When we say that someone or something is resolutive, we are saying then that it has the ability to resolve or seek the solution to a situation that requires it, for example when a drug is resolutive and solves a flu or illness situation.

In most cases, the word is used to describe a type of personality whose main characteristic is decision-making and action in pursuit of conflict resolution. It is clear that a person considered decisive is one who shows an active attitude in the face of different situations and who acts quickly and agilely according to the needs that arise at all times. A decisive person is the exact opposite of a passive person who maintains a less agile attitude and who generally demonstrates a greater capacity to follow orders rather than to make decisions or initiatives.

It is for all this that a decisive attitude is one of the main elements that are sought in certain work and professional areas in which the person is expected to act in an agile way and be able to solve certain typical problems of that work space. Thus, to carry out a repetitive job or task that does not require too much creativity or great responsibilities, a decisive personality will not be necessary. Quite the contrary, it will be in those executive roles or of certain responsibility or leadership in which the person must face different demands and quickly seek solutions to them.

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