
definition of sender

The term sender is used to designate the person responsible for sending something, in the highest percentage of cases, letters or written documents, although it can also be for packages, objects or others. The term comes from the verb send, which would be nothing more than to send or direct an object or document to a particular address. In the tradition of sending letters or written documents, the sender is usually written on the back after writing down on the front all the data necessary for the object or document in question to reach the addressee.

Usually, in common parlance, the term sender is used to refer to letters or the shipment of packages, no more than that. However, it is fair that we point out that the sender is any person or individual who sends or transmits a message to another person. In this way, we are all senders at various times of the day from the performance of different acts: sending a text message by cell phone or an email, the media, a movie or a song, an offer announcement in a business , even the simple and common act of speaking between two people in person. All this is seen today constantly due to the explosion and expansion that the different media and technologies show in recent years.

The sender is obviously a character of central importance in everything that does to communication. This is evident since without it there would be no communication: the sender is in charge of sending or transmitting a message. Without it, neither would the receiver exist, the one who receives it. And, finally, the medium through which that message is delivered would not exist either, be it paper, sound, audiovisual technologies, etc.

Communication is also of great relevance for the human being, this being the only one that has developed an abstract language with which to understand oneself. Although many animals also have sign languages, sounds or gestures, these are all less developed and do not seem to have a logic similar to that of languages ​​created by humans.

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