
creation definition

What is creation? The most common uses we give to the term

When someone produces something new out of nothing, that is, that created something has no antecedent but becomes reality for the first time, it will be said that it is a creation. Machines that perform a certain function or that help solve something, an institution that has the mission of carrying out a task, or a position in an office that will have the mission of deploying a new activity, are some issues that come from a creation .

It should be noted that normally creations, of whatever type, tend to have and enjoy great ingenuity and originality and that is why many tend to be unique.

Also then, one will speak of creation when one wants to give an account of the: origin of a thing or question, it is usually spoken of it in terms of creation; establishment or foundation of a thing for the first time is also called creation; the action of instituting new positions or jobs at the request of a company or the government, is called creation; and the production of an artistic work or of anything else that requires the participation of ingenuity in its realization, will be called creation.

Creation in religion and other beliefs

On the other hand, and as the concept that concerns us is used to express the thing already created and especially the universe or set of all those things created is that this word has a special meaning within the religious sphere, particularly at the behest of doctrines such as Christianity where the history of God's creation occupies a prominent place in matters of faith.

Because Christianity called that one creation original moment of the world and of time in which God from nothing created the world, man, woman, animals and the rest of all the creatures that live today on earth.

There is even an important part of the most important holy book of Christians, the Bible, which dedicates long pages to this unique moment and initiator of everything that surrounds us. That part is known precisely as genesis, a term that precisely refers to the origin and the beginning of something.

But not only Christianity has used a history in which symbols and myths are redundant to talk about creation, but many other beliefs have made use of this resource.

In the most diverse cultures, African, Asian, American, there are various stories and legends about what creation really was like.

The relevance of creation in artistic production

Those people who have a special inclination for the development of the arts at all its levels are more inclined and sensitive when it comes to creation, a particularly intimate, personal process that will be the absolute result of inspiration.

Inspiration by the way is the crucial and key element to create something, but so will the artist's need to communicate something, an idea, a feeling or a concept that he wants to communicate and share with the rest of the world.

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