
definition of tenacious

The concept of tenacious is a concept that is used to designate a certain type of attitude that a person can have as well as the response that an inorganic element can show to a certain stimulus. The tenacity or the quality of being tenacious has to do with the resistance and strength that what is being talked about maintains to persist in its place or in its attitude. The term tenacious is a qualifying adjective for which it is used to describe this type of attitudes or characteristics.

When we speak of tenacity or tenacity, we seek to refer to an act of showing strength but not so much a physical or violent force but rather a force of persistence, of resisting or enduring that which is difficult to bear. When we apply this concept to a person, we generally seek to describe them as a persistent person, who has a clear objective and who will not stop until it is achieved. Thus, it is common to say that someone is tenacious when committing to do something and to obtain a certain result, even though that activity is difficult or complicated for them. Many animals can also demonstrate this attitude to different situations or circumstances to which life exposes them.

But the term can also be applied to various situations or inorganic elements. Obviously, inorganic elements do not act in a conscious way, but they do act by the idea of ​​stimulus and response, which is why it is understandable that those tenacious inorganic elements do not show any response to a certain stimulus, but that they always remain the same before the action of other elements. . A clear example of this is when a stain that was produced on a fabric cannot be removed by any type of chemical element used for cleaning; It will then be said that the element that stained the fabric is very tenacious because it cannot be removed.

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