
definition of interculturality

There is talk of Interculturality, when two or more different cultures begin to interact in a horizontal and synergistic way, that is, in this state of affairs, none of the groups that intervene is above the other, but rather all are on equal footing, which of course contributes to the integration and peaceful coexistence of affected people.

Process in which two or more cultures interact in a direct and equal way without any one surpassing the other in any way

One of the differential characteristics of today's society is that it is characterized by the cultural diversity that occurs in the various nations that make up the planet.

To verify and appreciate this phenomenon that has already been established, we only have to carefully observe the great metropolises, where this circumstance is certainly visible.

In them we constantly appreciate people who have diverse ethnic origins, speak different languages ​​and have diametrically opposed cultural traditions, among other issues, however, and beyond them they coexist and bond without problems, mostly.

Now, beyond the good predispositions of people to maintain relationships with people who belong to different cultures, it is necessary for the state to promote harmony and integration through two basic issues such as mutual respect and tolerance.

Respect and tolerance

In other words, interculturality is proposed as the maximum and priority objective that differences are settled and that a harmonious and respectful coexistence is reached, combining the various cultural proposals.

Because precisely interculturality implies accepting differences and capitalizing on them, that is, nurturing them so that the society in question continues to grow favorably.

As in all human coexistence, in the long or short, conflicts of interest will arise and even more so in a situation in which diversity prevails, although the resolution of them will be carried out within a framework of absolute respect, prevailing the dialogue and consultation.

The concept of interculturality is relatively new, meanwhile, its development has involved professionals from different fields such as communication, sociology, anthropology and even marketing.

Stages that compose it

Meanwhile, interculturality will consist of three stages: negotiation (symbiosis with the other to achieve understanding and avoid confrontation), penetration (to put oneself in the place of the other) and decentralization (we move away from ourselves through reflection).

In another order of things, for interculturality the attitude in favor is extremely important, which will be consummated from three attitudes: dynamic vision of the cultures that intervene, belief that daily relationships are forged from communication and fighting for the construction of a broad citizenship, in which there is equal rights.

It should be noted, because many tend to confuse them, that interculturality has nothing to do with pluralism and multiculturalism, especially due to the predisposition of interculturality towards dialogue and the relationship between the different cultures that it proposes.

For its part, the interpersonal interculturality It occurs when people from different cultures come into direct contact through an electronic medium, such is the case of the Internet.

Bet on integration

Throughout history we have grown tired of seeing how differences in some aspect generated disputes, discrimination and inequality, among other negative issues, while the proposal of interculturality is superior precisely in this aspect, in that no one is left out or relegated for having a different characteristic from the other, but quite the opposite, that what differentiates it adds and contributes to broadening the spectrum of cultural proposals of a society.

Each one, from their differences with the other, can make a contribution that enriches the social collective, so for now, interculturality thinks about it is very good because it is an integrating and overcoming message in every aspect at times when the world lives a stage in the one that inevitably diverse cultures come together all the time.

Obviously, it will be necessary to overcome obstacles that the same differences impose on us, such as the different languages ​​and ways of communicating, but the message is to overcome this and bet on the enrichment that diversity will generate.

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