
definition of hypocrite

The word hypocrite is the term we use in our language to indicate to that individual who behaves with hypocrisy, that is, it is constantly imposing, pretending, feelings, emotions, ideas, qualities, among others, that in reality he does not follow or experience, but on the contrary, his feelings and ideas are usually at the opposite of what he proclaims.

Person who pretends and lies ideas or feelings that they do not feel or believe in

Thus, for example, the politician who in his public presentations boasts of his commitment to freedom of expression, even in those cases that are critical of his activities, but in private he does not tire of ranting against precisely that part of the press criticism of the actions he takes, he will be a clear hypocrite

In other words, the hypocrite is ultimately a liar who pretends various situations and emotions with the mission of earning a certain reputation in some social environment to thereby be accepted.

To be accepted or achieve some benefit

There can be various motivations for hypocrisy, a person who pretends to have money and social status when he does not have it because he does not want to be left out of a social group; or who presumes to be open in certain ideas, such as homosexual marriage, to win the favor of that social group, and in reality, in their privacy they despise them.

In other words, normally the hypocrite seeks to obtain some revenue or benefit and that is why he practices hypocrisy.

He will always show the facet he wants, never the one he wants to hide, therein lies the key and the success of his actions, because otherwise he would be discovered in his true beliefs or intentions.

In the hypocrite you can find many characteristics of the demagogue, for example flattery or false promises when he wants to get someone's favor.

Although there are people who consider that sometimes the contexts impose the disposition of a certain hypocrisy to be able to coexist harmoniously in the society of these times, because otherwise, if we tell the truths to everyone's face, especially those that they do not like, We would always be facing conflicts and holding discussions, it is also important to point out that if we say what we think with respect and are sincere, those attitudes will be much more valued in the long run, than strategizing, lying, or saying something that is not thought or felt.

On the other hand, people who are discovered hypocrites do not enjoy the general esteem, and are not usually depositaries of the trust of society; With someone who is hypocritical, it is impossible to build a relationship based on truth and trust.

In some cases, hypocrisy can end up making the person who suffers psychically ill to the point of believing the lies they tell.

Therapy is a good option to be able to treat this pathology when it becomes severe and against the development and social coexistence of the person who suffers it.

Origin in Greece where the actors were so designated

The origin of the term hypocrite is Greek and goes back precisely to the ancient Greece where the word was used extensively but to refer to that individual who was dedicated to acting.

From this reference, then, the term evolved to the use that we give it today, and in some way bears a certain relationship with its old reference, because the hypocrite must play a role, a character, as an actor does, in order to thus hide your true feelings and opinions and emulate a personality that is not really available.

There is a variety of synonyms associated with the term in question, although the most used is fake what does it mean to that or that which is feigned and deceitful and contrary to the truth, because the false as well as the hypocrite does not show his true facet to the people with whom he interacts, but rather builds a character with whom he confronts them, seduces them, and because he does not also manipulate them knowingly that he is not being sincere with their way of proceeding.

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