
definition of smile

Smiling is one of the most significant body language signs because it conveys joy and vitality. A smile shows the kindness on the face of the person offering it and also, their generosity. We are not fully aware of how we can offer a reason for joy to those around us through a smiling face that becomes the best way to foster personal relationships. By age, babies are smiling more generally than older people. Babies are laughing.

The smile is the gestural manifestation most characteristic of the joy, pleasure, happiness or fun that a person experiences as a result of a pleasant event or situation. It consists of the gesture of curving the mouth, flexing the 17 muscles that are around it and also the eyes.

The smile is a gesture that is born with individuals, that is, it is inherent in their nature and it is not that they learn it, since babies smile before learning what a smile is. A smiling person is one who smiles. In most of the occasions in which this external gesture of happiness occurs it is because there has been a specific cause of well-being. In fact, when we are angry with a person we find it hard to smile when we see him, on the contrary, when we reconcile and make amends, we feel better.

Language of illusion

However, it should be pointed out that, from a psychological point of view, we can also use a smile as a way to lift our spirits when we are not feeling well. For example, you can do the exercise of looking in the mirror and smiling. Try to keep your smile for a few seconds and little by little, you will notice a pleasant feeling of relief (there is a direct influence between body language and the language of emotions).

Words of the soul

Sometimes a smile shows a treasure that is always very important, but even more so, depending on what kind of circumstances. For example, when a person is ill, the smile of a loved one becomes a medicine for the soul, a reinforcement of affection and companionship. In the same way, those volunteers who dedicate part of their time to collaborate with social entities, for example, visiting those elderly who live alone, offer hope and enthusiasm through that language of the smile that we all understand.

Some people are more smiling than others because of their own way of being and their character. However, it should be pointed out that we can educate our character through positive thinking and a sense of humor. In fact, nowadays, there are many laughter therapy workshops in which students feel much more cheerful than in the workplace.

Now, it should also be noted, although to a lesser extent, the smile can be the involuntary manifestation of a state of anxiety or other negative emotions such as anger, anger, among other.

Visible expressions on the person

When the smile is manifested as a result of the experience of joy, pleasure, among other positive issues, it will immediately change the expression on our face and make our brain begin to produce endorphins, which is a substance that our brain produces and that tends to reduce physical and emotional pain and covers the body and mind of the person that secretes a feeling of great well-being.

Mostly, the smile is contagious so someone who is sad or angry, seeing another smile, will immediately tend to change his frown and provide a smile as well.

According to various studies that addressed the issue of the smile we can find several types such as: duchenne smile (named after the Guillaume-Benjamin Duchenne physician, who diligently investigated the movements of the muscles near the mouth. It's the kind of more real smile since it is considered to be the result of an involuntary response to a true emotion that is experienced), professional smile (It is the smile of cordiality, that is, it is the one that appears when we want to show courtesy to another) and sardonic smile (It is present as a consequence of suffering from tetanus disease, which is a bacterium that precisely causes strong contractions in the muscles, and in the case of the mouth the patient shows his teeth as if he was smiling).

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