
what is American cuisine (decoration) »definition and concept

The kitchen is one of the most important spaces in the house since it is a place of common coexistence, a space in which to cook and prepare healthy dishes. But it is clear that from a decoration point of view, the kitchen offers different design possibilities.

American cuisine is a common trend. It has the particularity of being united with the living room, forming a single space. In this way, the kitchen is more spacious.

Proposed advantages

In fact, this formula is especially recommended to maximize the possibilities of small spaces. As there is no separation between the kitchen and the living room, the kitchen is also fed by natural light from the living room.

This union of spaces that are essentially so different opens up new possibilities for interior design to find a way to offer uniformity and harmony to both rooms in such a way that they form a harmonious whole. For example, it is possible to choose the same type of floor for the kitchen and the living room.

It is functional, practical and increases the feeling of an open space. This type of kitchen is elegant and is integrated in a very natural way in the living room. There are many possibilities for rustic, Nordic, vintage, modern, minimalist styles ... This type of kitchen usually has a bar with stools that is comfortable and practical for breakfast or lunch.

Disadvantages of the American kitchen

This type of kitchen, which from the design is so current, also has possible drawbacks. For example, bad smells from the kitchen can also reach the living room. In the same way, it is a kitchen that leaves the clutter in sight. And this can be a bit uncomfortable if you receive unexpected visitors and you do not have everything as organized as you would like.

Another downside is that cooking noise can make a relaxing living room routine like watching TV difficult. However, an advantage of this design is that if you are cooking you can continue chatting with your loved ones even if they are in the living room.

And this improves family communication. Each type of decoration has its advantages and disadvantages for this reason, it is advisable to analyze your own needs before drawing up a reform plan with specific kitchen plans.

Photos: Fotolia - Iriana Shiyan / Mariesacha

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