
definition of urban

The term urban is a qualifying adjective that is used to designate everything that has to do with the city or the city. The urban is the completely opposite of the rural since it is in the urban space that all the activities and phenomena related to the city and modern life take place. Today, the term urban is used for a myriad of situations or circumstances, but it will always be related to the space in which the phenomenon itself arises, which is why one could never speak of "urban cultivation" or "urban peasant" since that would be a contradiction in itself.

The quality of urban is acquired by a person, an institution, a social group, a phenomenon or a circumstance purely and exclusively by the fact of living in the city. Thus, everything that takes place in it will be considered urban. This is so because another synonym for city is the term urbe that comes from Latin urbs. This term was very important at the time of the Old Roman Empire, at which time the extensive dominion over Europe was established around the foundation of cities or cities in different parts of the continent, North Africa and the western Middle East. Since then, the city has also been called a city and the adjective urban comes from here.

The urban is anything that has to do with the city. In this sense, everything urban is easily distinguishable from the rural as they are completely opposite and different worlds and spaces. While in the countryside or in the rural area, productive activities tend to revolve around agriculture and livestock, in urban areas they are much more diversified between industry, services and technology. On the other hand, in the urban environment the landscape is different since nature is no longer so present in it and if it is, it is usually artificially according to the needs or interests of the human being. At the same time, the urban is a much more modern and complex reality since when so many people live today in cities, a mentality is developed much more open to the other and much more complex in terms of difficulties, stress or lifestyle.

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