
definition of ranking

The term ranking comes from the English language in which it is used to refer to that or that which is in a higher position than another, at the request of a list or in matters of hierarchies.

Meanwhile, as happens with many words in the English language that, due to their phenomenal extension, end up being adopted by other languages, this happened with ranking, and this is how today it is used as one more and proper word in the Spanish language.

List that nominates people or things that share some characteristic and that assigns a hierarchy to the most outstanding

Basically we use it to refer to a list in which people or elements who share something in common are nominated and to whom a certain position is awarded, which will go from a place of extreme superiority to other minors, first place, second place, third place, and so on, until the last place proposed by the ranking in question.

A ranking is a list that will establish a relationship between the set of elements that are gathered in it, that is, there is a common characteristic that they share and that makes them belong to that list, while each element will have its own and special characteristic that will make it be above or below the other elements.

Generally, rankings, whatever their type or the elements they relate to, go from highest to lowest. For example, the ranking of the twenty most voted musical themes on the radio, the program whose mission is to transmit and disseminate them will be broadcasting them in decreasing order, that is, from the position n ° 20, n ° 19, n ° 18, so on until reaching the position n ° 1 of the ranking and winner of the same.

Use in music, sports, finance ...

But the ranking is not the exclusive patrimony of radio or musical themes and although the presence of rankings in the musical universe is practically universal, whether on radio, TV or in the written press, it is common to use rankings in other areas, of the most diverse, to establish some levels, maximums, means or minimums, or to determine them.

A) Yes in the world of sports it is possible to find countless rankings, the ranking of the scorers in soccer, of the best tennis players, in this case being in the ranking of the top ten, or top ten, means being one of the best tennis players in the world because precisely that top ten brings together the top ten in the world.

The Association of Professional Tennis Players performs the classification known as ATP ranking, which contains professional tennis players and classifies them according to their performances,

It is updated every week and includes the results obtained in the last 52 weeks.

In addition, this ranking is the one used for the selection of the players of the most outstanding tournaments and the seeds.

Being in the top ten of this ranking is already a major prize for the tennis player.

On the other hand, in the world of finance and business It is also recurrent to find the rankings of the most successful companies or companies, of the best-selling products in the span of a month, of the richest men in the world; in the latter case the Forbes magazine ranking that establishes each year the richest people in the world, allowing the rest of the people to know in figures how much they have and therefore, they will have to occupy a place, the first, second or third in the ranking, among others.

And the fashion and beauty They also have the same with the rankings made by specialized magazines about, for example, the best and worst dressed. Many times, being part of any of these, in a first place, or on the contrary, appearing in the last one, can lead to the contract, or failing that, the end of the contract that a famous person maintains with a recognized brand of clothing or accessories.

In other words, the position that someone obtains in a ranking, whatever its motivation, may imply a place of privilege and recognition among their peers and the public, if we are facing a positive ranking, in which they hobble the best; Or on the contrary, it can represent the end of a career or someone's activity when the position they occupy in it is not good or issues that are not positive at all are being hobbled, such as, for example, the worst ranking performances, of the world's ugliest actors, among others.

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