
definition of spirituality

Through the term spirituality we can account for the nature and the spiritual condition of something or someone. “His constant attendance at different charitable associations is a faithful example of the spirituality he possesses..”

Spiritual quality of something or someone, and what is proper to the spirit: the non-corporeal entity that is associated with the soul of a person

Meanwhile, for spiritual is designated to that which is related to or is proper to the spirit; and the spirit is a non-corporeal entity, which we normally associate with the soul, that supernatural gift with which God endowed all creatures on earth.

Person who is not materialistic and cultivates his spirit by meditating, helping others ...

And on the other hand, that person who shows a sensitive and sentimental inclination, and also abandons or does not prioritize material issues, is often said to be someone spiritual.

Theological use: direct connection with God

For the above lines it is that traditionallyspirituality is linked to religion, especially in what has to do with the relationship that they establish, man, on the one hand, with that superior and perfect being that created him: God, and also usually appears in relation to the salvation of the spirit or the permanence of the spirit beyond the physical disappearance of an individual.

At the urging of theology there are various considerations about the spirit, the so-called dichotomists believe that man is composed of body and soul, the latter being conceived as the spirit.

On the other hand, trichotomists think that in addition to body and soul there is the spirit, separated from the soul, and that it is this that allows it to communicate and link directly with God.

And Christian theology proposes that the holy spirit is the third person that makes up one of the most relevant dogmas of faith that this religion possesses, such as the Holy Trinity, made up of Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the function of this is the sanctification of believers.

Philosophical use: the interior of being

But also, the concept of spirituality has been present and has been treated in the philosophical field in which it was related to the interiority of being and it was placed in clear opposition to matter (body).

On the other hand, the term is repeatedly used to refer to the inclination that an individual presents towards the spiritual. “His tremendous and admirable spirituality is what saved him from death.”

And also from the term spirituality we can call the set of beliefs and actions that highlight the spiritual life of an individual or a group of people. “Christian spirituality supposes and proposes beliefs that are absolutely opposite to those proposed by the Islamic cult.”

Cultivate spirituality to calm the anxiety of today's life

We cannot ignore that currently the concept that concerns us is used especially to refer to those people who cultivate their spirit, their soul, through the practice of various activities such as meditation, who are occupied and concerned with improving as people, and by In case they propose to do good, leave behind selfishness, the desire for material things, help those who need it, among other issues.

So, to be able to effectively carry out the above, the person is oriented to cultivate his interior, simply acting in tune with positive moral values ​​and accompanying him as we have already mentioned, carrying out actions such as those already indicated in the previous paragraph.

We live in a society that has become, due to the development of technologies and population growth, among other issues, very frantic, and so the need to regain calm, to stop a change has arisen in a large proportion of people .

Meditating, attending workshops that promote the cult of the spirit, establishing oneself in the present time and not in what happened and in what will come because that increases anxiety, are some of the tools that have become a trend today in this need. .

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