
definition of geological

The term geological is used to refer to everything that is related to or is typical of geology. Such is the case of a geological era, the geological study of an area, the geological time in which such a phenomenon took place, among others.

Meanwhile, the geology is that science that deals with analyzing the inner and outer shape of the planet earth. In other words, geology concerns the study of those matters that make up the planet and the mechanism in which they are made. On the other hand, it also deals with the alterations that the aforementioned subjects have suffered from their origins and the current situation in which they find themselves.

Within geology it is possible to distinguish different sub branches or sub disciplines dealing with and concentrating on different issues, each very specific: the structural geology (studies the structures of the earth's crust, analyzing the relationship established between the different rocks that make it up), historical geology (It focuses on the transformations that the earth has undergone, from its birth to the present day. In order to speed up the analyzes, geologists, who are professionals enrolled in this science, have determined divisions in this passage and this is how it is. that we find the eras, ages and periods), economic geology (It studies those rocks that have mineral richness to later be exploited by man. Once geology has found the deposits, mining is ready to begin its work).

Other branches related to Geology are: seismology (it focuses on the study of earthquakes and the propagation of seismic waves), volcanology (studies volcanic eruptions and tries to predict them) and the astro geology (applies geological techniques and discoveries to celestial bodies such as planets, asteroids and comets).

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