
definition of overcrowding

The term overcrowding refers to an unfortunate state of affairs that is characterized by the crowding or accumulation of individuals or animals in the same place, which on purpose has not been physically prepared to house them.

That is, the amount of human beings that inhabit or occupy a certain space is greater than the capacity that such space should and can contain, according to the parameters of comfort, safety and hygiene.

In other words, those people or animals that have experienced a crowded situation will be affected not only by the discomfort of having to share a minimum space and in which it is practically impossible to move, with others, but also because of it it will be practically impossible for that place to observe satisfactory hygiene and safety, clearly affecting people's health, and even in the most extreme situations there may even be a risk of life in crowded settings.

Overcrowding is a really widespread problem throughout the world today given that the world population is very numerous and there are fewer and fewer spaces available to contain them, while the population density is extremely high in some areas of the planet. Where this phenomenon is most evident is in the big cities, capitals of the world, since it is in these where most of the people want to live because of the employment, development or educational possibilities that they offer in contrast to other parts of the world less populated but with a deficit in terms of opportunities.

On the other hand, conditions like poverty they also turn out to be triggers for crowded situations. Faced with the scarcity of economic resources, not being able to pay the rent for a comfortable home, which has several rooms, the poor have no choice but to live together in small houses, and in the most extreme cases even in minimal rooms, they must share.

The phenomenon of overcrowding is characteristic of the human being since although in some cases it can be generated by external factors, in many cases it is also especially produced by the negligence and wickedness of the human being, basically due to the lack of respect for the other. This is so in well-known situations such as the slave trade carried out by the European man with the Africans: to transport the slaves, ships were used that were in no way suitable for the number of people placed inside, which is why a a significant number of them ended up dying.

This is also common to happen with animals, which in many cases are not cared for properly and can be transported from one place to another, usually long distances, in extreme overcrowding characteristics.

As we have already indicated, this fact is a breeding ground for the proliferation of diseases and viruses and this is because overcrowding implies the presence of a large number of people or animals in a small space, as we said. The main consequence of this is the generation of an environment not suitable for the survival of all since both the resources and the characteristic elements of that space begin to lose their essential features (the air becomes dense and unbreathable, water and food do not they are enough for everyone, the waste is very high and therefore they pollute the space, etc.).

At present, some areas of the planet are especially known for the overcrowding suffered by its inhabitants. In this sense, we can mention China, India and other countries in Southeast Asia, Mexico and some African countries as spaces in which the amount of population is greater than recommended.

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