
definition of concurrency

The word concurrence is the term we use in our language when we want to indicate the number or group of people who attended a meeting, a public show, or any other type of event.

People attending an event or show

It should be noted that an important attendance will mark the success in terms of the call that the event in question will have, while a minimum attendance will indicate that such event did not arouse in the public, or in the guests, an important interest to approach to participate .

Factors that affect attendance or not

Although there are several factors that can influence the attendance to a specific call, such as comments on the possibility of the succession of an attack or disturbance, especially when it comes to social or political acts or demonstrations, or poor communication of the event , which makes few people find out about the call in question, we must say that the number of people who attend is undoubtedly the thermometer of the success or failure of the event.

However, we cannot ignore that the repercussions that occur after the event also affect its success or failure, beyond the people who have attended the call, that is, even if there were few people, if later, the media and other social actors echo the event in a predominant way and place it at the center of the agenda, they will make it a success.

It is a common reality that calls that gather a poor turnout, later, with the echo generated by the issues addressed or the sayings in it, gain prominence and interest.

With regard to this sense of the word, the synonym that we most commonly use to express that the attendance has been truly magnificent in number, that is, there has been an abundance of individuals, is that of crowd.

On the other hand, the behavior of the audience during the development of the event, that is, their good disposition, their participation, or failing that, the indifference or displeasure that they express, will be clear indicators of the liking or dislike that the audience feels for the event. act or event in which it is.

Synonym of participation and attendance

Also the word concurrency is used as synonyms of the terms attendance and participation.

Coincidence of several actions that occur at the same time and that cause a result

And the other common use that we give to the word in our language is to designate the coincidence of several acts that have occurred at the same time and in relation to the same issue, and that produce a consequence, normally, which can be good or bad.

Let's think about an event such as a wedding celebration, if the party was planned outdoors and it rains, the most relevant guests are absent, the organization is bad, the food is not liked, among others, it can be said that there was a crowd of issues that made the party a failure.

Among the synonyms most used at the behest of this sense of the word stands out that of simultaneity, which precisely implies the coincidence of two situations, events, at the same time.

That is, two events occur at the same time, coinciding both in time and space.

Use in law

On the other hand, at the request of criminal law, the concept of concurrence of crimes is used to account for when a person has committed several crimes, in isolation, and not all of them forming part of the same act, without a conviction on them. .

And continuing in the field of law we will say that in the framework of a litigation for damages, when compensation is set, the concurrence of faults will be taken into account, and this means that the existence of fault of both parties in conflict is considered, that participated in the event, in which there was damage, and that the aforementioned compensation is intended to repair.

This will imply that if there is responsibility on both parties, the blame is shared and whoever commits the damage will have an attenuated penalty.

Meanwhile, the word that opposes the term at hand is that of divergence, which supposes, on the one hand, the separation of two or more lines, and on the other hand, at the interpersonal and social level, the disagreement between two or more people regarding opinions.

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