
definition of textile design

The textile design is that area that is dedicated to the production of products related to the textile industry, such as: threads, fibers, fabrics, among others, and that are generally used to make other products that will be marketed in other areas such as clothing and decoration.

On the other hand, textile design also deals with the development of what is known as technical textile, which involves those fabrics that require a super special elaboration because they are intended to be used in areas such as medicine, engineering, architecture and sports, which precisely demand unique characteristics and adapted to the activities that are carried out.

The textile industry It is one of the most important sectors of the economy worldwide, not only because what they produce is consumed in huge quantities by the public and merchants, but also because of the enormous number of people they have directly employed, and also in indirectly, in the industries that go along with it such as clothing, spinning, dyeing, haute couture and weaving, to name a few.

Without a doubt, the industrial Revolution It was a pivotal moment in the development of the textile industry. Meanwhile, among the most notable events that added in favor of its expansion is the invention of the flying shuttle , created in 1733 by the English John Kay and that it facilitated the weaving of cotton garments in large quantities and at a higher speed than was possible manually. Until then, cotton was imported from India And it was really complex to sustain the enormous demand for it with the aforementioned imports that were made and that did not meet the needs.

It should be noted that at the same time other neighboring areas began to develop, such as coloring, bleaching and printing. And not to mention the appearance of the spinning machines and the water machine.

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