
definition of self-control

The self-control it is that human capacity that a person has and that allows him to control the emotions and impulses that affect him at a certain moment and before a specific event, or in his daily life.

Capacity of a person and through which to control emotions

Self-control is a very important disposition as it will help us to cope calmly and serenely with normal life problems and setbacks, that is, we encourages cultivating patience and developing a lot of understanding In the interpersonal relationships established and to be established, and also in relation to our temperament, if we have a tendency to have a bad temper, knowing how to control oneself per se will help the person not to explode before any setback they may suffer.

Basically, self-control consists of controlling impulses and reactions to the reception of certain stimuli based on some general techniques and rules.

From this it follows that self-control is an absolutely positive capacity that will urge us to change in a positive sense to obtain good results at the end of the journey. The person with self-control will be able to manage their emotions and regulate their behavior.

But not only with that self-control remains calm but it goes for more and then, in those times of crisis, it will be what allows us to distinguish between what is most important and what is not in any way.

How to achieve self-control and benefits

To begin with, the main thing will be not to force the body or the mind, because only when an individual is rested, relaxed and serene will he be able to face the problems that arise. Likewise, it is vital to own a calm mode of communication to avoid any type of violent emotional confrontation. And patience is the other fundamental leg of self-control, because those who know how to forgive themselves and calmly accept their weaknesses will be able to succeed.

The importance of emotional intelligence to achieve this condition

Self-control supposes having emotional intelligence, that is, in no way should passions be repressed, emotions that are felt, on the contrary, it is very good to feel them, because if not, a repression will be carried out. What self-control commands is to cast them out in an intelligent way, which adds to our lives and those of those around us.

Suppressing them will be a behavior that will negatively affect our mental and physical health, because it involves directly denying what we feel and that is not what we should do if we want to be happy.

People constantly go through good and bad emotions, which always affect us, for better or for worse, however, it is important that we order them internally and for that the intervention of intelligence is necessary, because it will be in charge of carrying out the task of to assume them, to place them in their place and at the corresponding levels, and it will move us to act in front of them in a correct and efficient way, satisfying them in a positive way and as appropriate.

If we repress, as we spoke before, they will be denied and then we will not be able to make timely and convenient decisions.

We generally face contradictory situations between what to do and what we feel inside. And it can also happen that we have to choose between options that we do not know too much about and then we do not have the certainty of being right in what we choose.

Meanwhile, if we have the courage to dominate ourselves and not go out to do or choose the first thing that comes our way, then surely we will not be wrong in the action we undertake, because we will take our time to think and not act in such a way. impulsive, as do people who do not control themselves.

Meanwhile, it is irrational behavior, materialized in ideas, thoughts, among others, which will flatly oppose self-control. When psychological dependence, insecurity, and lack of self-worth rule, the possibility of self-control disappears and the possibility of depression flourishes.

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