
orientation definition

The word orientation It is widely used in our language and we use it to refer to various questions.

Placing something in a certain position

To placing something in a certain position and in tune with the cardinal points is called as guidance.

The apartment we bought has a north orientation as we wanted.”

Also, to the placing something with a special position it is called orientation.

You have to change the orientation of the chair because it will burn you with the sun's rays that hit it directly.”

Position of something or someone in relation to the cardinal points

Another recurring use of the word is to account for the position or direction that something or someone has in relation to one of the cardinal points.

I will need guidance to get to your house since I do not know the area.”

Orientation is a very important issue for humans and animals, to locate geographically.

For example, to do it effectively, animals, for example, are guided by smells, meanwhile, men are guided by various means, among which are: the location of the meridian or north-south line, the location of the Pole star or southern cross, using a compass, by visual references and indications, from a globe or map, or, thanks to the benefits of technology, through electronic devices, such as GPS that they locate us and tell us where we are.

Information or advice given on a place or issue

On the other hand, it is called orientation information, knowledge that is given to a person on an issue and that until that moment ignores it.

It is common that at the request of shopping centers, hospitals, airports, among other places that bring together a huge number of people, stands are arranged in which personnel of the place in question are in charge of providing information, advice, about the care and services that are provided in it.

People normally approach these places with doubts about the operation and care, while the people who attend in said place must be prepared to answer these concerns, always with patience and good will.

In this way, the center guarantees a better functioning of its services and facilities.


It can also be the advice given to someone about something so that they can do it correctly and satisfactorily.

I'm going to ask my father-in-law for guidance on the tax burdens on this business. The guidance my father gave me allowed me to pass the exam.”


Also, the word is used as a synonym for trend.

The ruling party has a center-right orientation.”

Vocational guidance: assisting people to discover their vocation

And on his side, the vocational orientation consists of a process through which professionals help young people to discover their vocational inclination.

One of the most used tools in this sense is the performance of specially designed vocational tests that therefore allow the professional to obtain a complete idea about the aptitudes and inclinations of those who undergo them.

It is common that when a young person is disoriented in this regard, they undergo these tests in order to be able to get closer to a definition of what career to study or professional path to follow.

While this is not foolproof, it helps many people discover what they like to do.

Sexual orientation

And sexual orientation designates that pattern of sexual attraction that a person manifests with respect to others defined by sex.

Thus we speak of heterosexual orientation when the person feels attraction to people of the opposite sex: man-woman, woman-man; homosexual orientation, the person is attracted to people of the same sex; or failing that, bisexuality, the person is equally attracted to people of the same sex and of the opposite sex.

Although in the last decades there has been a fantastic openness in the world regarding the acceptance of sexual orientations that do not correspond to heterosexuality, some cases of discrimination are still manifesting.

In favor, we must say that in a good number of Western countries the marriage law between people of the same sex has been approved and the legal possibility has also been opened so that they can adopt children like any heterosexual couple.

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