
project definition

The project term designates the detailed plan and disposition that is available for the execution of a certain thing or issue. It consists of a set of interrelated and coordinated activities that will focus on achieving those specific objectives proposed at the beginning and that will be subject to a budget and a specific period of time..

Meanwhile, the realization of a project consists and involves several stages, the first that we find is the one that refers to the idea of ​​the project, which will respond to a need or opportunity. For example, unmet needs, reinforcing activities or optimizing wasted resources that can be given a twist and used. Following the idea, the second stage appears, which is the design of the same, in which the evaluation of the options, tactics and strategies that are outlined as the best ones to achieve the project's objective will come into play. It will be during this phase that the project is accepted or rejected. If it is accepted, it will go to the third stage, which is the execution of the same and finally, the evaluation, which will actually take place once it is finalized and through which it will be analyzed with the planned evaluations and the results if the proposed objective was reached.

When we talk about projects we can find a multiplicity of types, one of the most general being the one that classifies them as public or social and productive. Productive projects are those whose primary purpose is to obtain economic profitability, that is, earnings in hard cash, while those who promote them are usually individuals or companies interested in obtaining a significant economic return.

And on the sidewalk in front of the previous ones we find the public or social, whose purpose is to achieve an impact on the quality of life of the target population and that of course may not be expressed in money. Almost always, those responsible for this type of project are usually NGOs, states, multilateral organizations and companies through their social responsibility policies, among others.

But also, projects can be classified by other issues such as content (construction, IT, product development, logistics, community, marketing projects, etc.), the participating organization (internal, departmental, external , of crossed units) and according to the complexity they present (simple, complex, programs or mega projects).

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