
definition of recursion

The concept of recursion is a very abstract and complex concept that has to do with logic as well as with mathematics and other sciences. We can define recursion as a method of defining a process through the use of premises that do not give more information than the method itself or that use the same terms that already appear in its name, for example when it is said that the definition of something is that something itself.

The main characteristic of recursion is the feeling of infinity, of something that is continuous and therefore cannot be delimited in space or time because it continues to replicate and multiply logically and mathematically. Thus, it is common to find cases of recursion, for example in mirror images that cause the image to be replicated to infinity, one within another until it is no longer visible but does not stop existing. Another typical case of recursion in images is when we find an advertisement in which the object has the advertisement of itself on its label and so on to infinity, or when a person is holding a box of a product on whose label the same person appears. holding the same product and so on to infinity. In these cases, the recursion is due to the fact that we are trying to define something with the same information that we already have.

The important thing to remember is that recursion is present not only in the image but also in the words, in the language. Thus, recursion is observed when the same phrases or expressions with different hierarchical structures are used when in reality the final meaning of the expression does not end up leaving those expressions or words mentioned. A very clear example of this is when we talk about recursion and we say "To understand recursion, you must first understand what recursion is". In itself, the phrase does not give us more information because it uses the same data over and over again, generating a feeling of infinity like what was mentioned with the images.

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