
payroll definition

It is designated with the term of Return to that form or form that has blank spaces intended to be completed by any individual, generally, it is requested that the aforementioned blank spaces be filled with the personal data of affiliation, address , activity, studies carried out, or other data required by the person issuing the form, such as the public administration in some of its many dependencies and offices in which people carry out procedures that require a specific and organized type of information in order to later be able to be satisfactorily resolved.

Although of course, the details of data that can be recorded and contained in a spreadsheet can be of the most diverse nature.

There is a huge variety of payroll, compensation, in which the assets of the employees of a company are recorded with their respective awards for attendance, corresponding social security contributions, among other issues, detail sheet of materials, merchandise prices of a business, the provision of a plant, the flights that depart and arrive at an airportIn sports, such as volleyball or basketball, scoresheets are also used to record results, players, among other issues.

On the other hand, the word spreadsheet also designates the scheme or planning system that is used for the pagination of a newspaper. It is an internal document that will be used within the newspaper in which the pages of the corresponding edition will be drawn in a schematic way and in which the entire process of elaboration of the same can be seen reflected.

Meanwhile, another of the very widespread types of spreadsheets is the spreadsheet, which is a type of application widely used for a special type of documents, spreadsheets, in which you can store numbers, perform basic or more complex math operations. Some of the programs that use this type of spreadsheet are: MS Excel, Lotus 123, Quattro Pro.

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