
definition of submission

Submission to that act is understood by means of which a person mistreats another, forces her to do something against her will, force, makes her feel deeply bad. Submission starts from a feeling of perversion that makes a person (consciously or unconsciously) feel superior to the other and enjoy mistreating them with pleasure. Although submission between animals also exists, the danger of submission between humans resides in the fact that being conscious often generates a feeling of addiction or enjoyment that the submitter develops, which is why submission becomes an act. common and increasingly exacerbated.

Psychologists and analysts describe submission as a normal or common activity between beings that belong to the same community or not. Submission not only damages the psyche and often also the physique of the person who suffers it, but also generates an addictive feeling of pleasure and superiority in those who exercise it. Although submission may not be based on physical violence, it always involves some type of psychological or emotional violence from the moment one person forces or forces another to do something against their will. Furthermore, submission always implies a high level of degradation, humiliation and denial of the one who is subjected.

Submission is today a common way of acting especially among some social groups, for example from men to women, from the rich to the humble, from those who have knowledge to those who do not, etc. However, throughout the history of Humanity, man has developed acts that imply some form of submission, even at levels that are not acceptable today. Such is the case of slavery or servitude, both two forms of forced labor that prevented the individual from acting freely and that subjected him to the violent wishes and practices of their masters or those who had power over them. Wars have also historically been 'justified' ways of exerting subjugation on defeated populations.

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