
definition of miserable

The concept of miserable is widely used in our language and has different meanings. One of the uses we give it is to designate that unhappy and unhappy person. Normally, we use this sense of the word to account for the bad luck that we have in something or in a situation, on a personal, economic, labor level, among others. "He was fired from work for a series of miserable attitudes."

Something that has no value

On the other hand, when something has no value, or it is very scarce, it is often spoken in terms of miserable. "The reward they gave us was miserable, it was not enough for us."

Synonymous with miser, evil and perversion

Another sense of the term allows it to be used as a synonym for greedy and petty. The miser is that person who accumulates and accumulates money and does not spend it on anything, even, nor is moved by the need for someone who needs it. Greed is considered as the excessive desire to accumulate material goods beyond needing them to live. This attitude is absolutely condemned from the moral plane and also from the religion.

And also the word miserable is used as a synonym for bad and perverse. People with these characteristics like to cause harm intentionally and do not stop at that goal of harm. He will always be planning some action to annoy and harm others.

From the foregoing it follows that this concept has an absolutely negative connotation, that is, attributed to a fact, situation or person, it will always imply something bad and not good.

He who leads a miserable life will have to endure misfortunes, deficiencies and other sufferings that will embitter his existence.

When the quality of miserable is caused by the lack of financial resources, it tends to awaken in the other a feeling of compassion and is sometimes the object of assistance and help from those who have the most.

We cannot ignore that the word also refers us to one of the most recognized novels in the history of literature: Les Miserables, written by the French author Victor Hugo in the second half of the 19th century and that since its edition was a bestseller and versioned for TV, cinema and theater.

Photo: iStock - Mixmike

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