
definition of troglodyte

The term Troglodyte has several uses. What synonym of caveman, to refer to those cave dwelling individuals.

On the other hand, member of a legendary people which the famous historian Herodotus located in North Africa and that It was mainly characterized by living in caves, not talking and feeding on snakes, it is also known as troglodyte.

Another use of the word is to refer to stereotype of the prehistoric man known to have lived in caves and had a behavior bordering on the brutal.

As a consequence of the cave paintings and also due to the comments of historians and philosophers, the archetype of primitive beings as troglodytes was reached. The legacy they have left that places them living in caves and owners of lonely, miserable, poor and gross stocks has caused them to be conceived primarily as wild creatures, without any kind of delicacy, intelligence and very aggressive if faced; and likewise the physical appearance of these primitive men has been represented as unkempt, many beards, covered with hair all over the body and usually wielding spears and clubs.

Even more, it is presumed that they did not even dress, they only covered their bodies with pieces of the skins of the animals that they killed for food.

Today, science confirms that this primitive man wore a gatherer-hunter lifestyle, although there are still discussions about whether they really lived in caves or used them as enclosures to carry out their meetings or rituals, since in reality, being beings that lived moving from one place to another, very strangely they would settle in One place.

In the world of entertainment, cinema, television, literature, cavemen or troglodytes are often presented with this stereotype that we have been describing: covered in animal skins, poor communication and aggressive attitudes, especially against their women, such as taking them hair and drag them.

Currently, when a person exhibits cruel, rude, and rather gross behavior, It is common that it is spoken of in terms of troglodyte. Juan behaves like a troglodyte, he is really unbearable!

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