
definition of temperamental

The concept of temperamental is applied in our language with two senses.

Own or linked to temperament: someone's way of being singular

On the one hand, it is used to designate everything that is proper or associated with temperament.

Temperament is the unique and particular way of being of each person. There is no one on our planet who has a way of being exactly the same as another. For example, temperament will be considered a strictly unique characteristic. History and identity are what basically delineate that temperament and that will make us act in this or that way under certain circumstances.

Person with constant changes in mood

On the other hand, the concept is used to refer to a person who has recurring mood swings, and who has a strong temperament.

The term temperamental is applied especially to people who act according to their natural temperament, that is, without a filter or without measuring the consequences.

The human being is a social individual who always lives within a community of peers and as such, respects to a greater or lesser extent rules and guidelines that have to do with coexistence. These guidelines often involve appeasing the temperament or true personality that each person has in order to avoid conflicts, litigation and fights with others.

A temperamental individual is a person who is carried away by his temperament, who does not filter his actions and who, because he is guided by a deep emotionality (which can be both positive and negative), generally does not give too much space to behaviors rational or consciously rationalized. A temperamental person is then someone who acts according to his impulses without weighing the consequences, who can show a lot of anger or a lot of joy without finding a middle ground.

Associated with negative behaviors and coexistence problems

In common language, the concept of temperamental (which is a qualifying adjective) is related more than anything to somewhat negative behaviors, that is, abruptly violent, aggressive or conflictive. Although all feelings in excess can be characteristic of a temperamental person, one who becomes excessively angry, who shows aggressiveness or violence is usually characterized as such.

Temperamental people often have trouble living peacefully with others and this has to do directly with not acting rationally and getting carried away by emotions. Someone temperamental can be excessively sincere, aggressive and violent and that means that in their coexistence with other individuals, the relationships to be established are short-lived or very conflictive. Furthermore, a temperamental individual tends to show little patience and tolerance for the interests or tastes of others if those interests are not shared.

Education and the affection received directly influence the temperament that develops

Temperament is a question that has been addressed in depth by psychology, the discipline that deals especially with the changes and vicissitudes of the human psyche.

Meanwhile, for this, temperament is the result of lived experiences, education, treatment that the person has had in various areas, their recognition, their assessment, if they have been immersed in violent contexts, if they have high self-esteem or low, among the main issues it considers.

Now, all these issues mentioned as a whole are those that are convenient when it comes to delineating the temperament of a person.

So, if a person has been the object of oppression, violence, injustice, he may develop a submissive temperament, or failing that, the opposite: violent and aggressive.

The temperament is closely related to the education and containment received by the person during their first years of life. If he received affection and affection, surely, the person will tend to develop a good temperament, while if he suffered the opposite, he will have a difficult temperament.

Although when the personality is already formed it is difficult for the person to modify their way of being, it is possible that they carry out some type of therapy with a psychology professional in order to identify this problem and treat it.

It does not always imply a resounding change but it is likely that you can learn to handle a bad temper in many situations and thus improve the social perception they have of it.

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