
definition of self-image

The word self-image is the concept that is used in our language to designate that image that someone has of himself, or the representation that arises in the mind about one. Such a self-image that each of us conform includes not only the physical aspect, that is, the external characteristics, but also all those issues related to our interior: ideas, opinions, feelings, among other issues, which are determined with the passing of situations, choices and decisions that are made or happen to us in life.

Now, self-image must be divided into three classes: the self-image that is the result of how we see ourselves, the self-image that results from the way others see us, and finally the self-image that results from what we perceive that others think. About us.

It should be noted that in Psychology, the concept of self-schema is used more frequently, instead of that of self-image, although both refer to the same thing: the image that each one forges in their mind about themselves.

The self-image or self-schemaWhatever you like to call it, it turns out to be very important in helping us process information, especially that which is relevant to our own lives. Also, when the time comes, these charts will help us remember some issues and influence the decisions we make.

On the other hand, the self-image that one forms of oneself also has a huge component of comments suggested by others since we are little. Thus, those who have received severe and harsh criticism during childhood, specifically from a family authority such as parents, will surely have a self-image that is undervalued.

But beware, this is not necessarily a consequence of a poor self-image, there are also cases of hyper-valued people who have an unsatisfactory self-image.

In the latter case, it is important to highlight that those who present very negative judgments about themselves should control them because the consequences can be really harmful in social interaction and also in the development of their existence.

A person who is characterized by being a very perfectionist, will never feel satisfied with the achievements obtained and will go for more and more. Each attempt to improve, and in some cases failure, can negatively impact and make the person feel like a failure.

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