
definition of speaker

Speak before an audience

In our language, the person who speaks in public is called in our language, either because he dedicates himself to doing so by giving talks, dissertations and speeches inherent to a subject that he dominates, or it may be an individual who assumes the role of speaker in a particular circumstance. which leads him to deliver a speech, or some improvised words before a large audience.

So, basically, we use the word to designate that individual who speaks in front of a large audience.

Speaker conditions

However, we must emphasize that not everyone can assume the role of speaker since it is necessary to have certain skills and conditions to do so. A shy person whose voice trembles when speaking in front of a large number of people will obviously not be able to become even an occasional speaker. Something similar will happen with an individual who suffers from stuttering, since the inability to speak fluently will be an impediment for any self-respecting speaker.

It is a sine quanom condition per case that the orator masters the art of oratory wonderfully. Oratory is one of the arts most practiced and valued since ancient times, especially during the time of classical Greece, where philosophers used to stand out for the use of it to convince their followers.

Because that is precisely what oratory consists of, in developing certain techniques and strategies to speak in an effective and attractive way that delights and moves audiences. The idea is precisely to persuade listeners to do what is proposed or to follow some action.

But not only with a good oratory you will be able to get the favor of the public, it is also important that the speaker likes the public, is accepted by it, because it respects some aspects such as: good physical appearance both in personal care and clothing, has a positive attitude, be creative and sensitive and have clear diction and fluency of words.

Adapt to the type of public to get their favor

It is important to mention that the methodology that the speaker uses will vary depending on the audience and topic, because of course it will not be the same to speak before an audience because of the tribute that is paid to a deceased colleague than who gives a speech at a university about why example the subject coaching.

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