
definition of flatworms

The flatworms They are a type of worms that are characterized by presenting a non-segmented flat body, that is, without vertebrae, and that is why they are also known as flat worms. They mostly develop as parasites, that is, parasitizing on other animals. Other distinguishing features are its hermaphroditism, the absence of both the respiratory and circulatory systems and which are usually found in fresh waters, although it is also plausible to find them on land but with humid characteristics.

It should also be noted that some species do not even have a digestive system or anus, being the digestive tube the one in charge of digestive functions and the distribution of the nutrients they receive.

Among the best known types, the tapeworm and pain stand out. Flatworms are estimated to comprise about 20,000 species.

By not having what is called locomotor appendages, flatworms can be mobilized through the vibrations produced by their ciliated epithelium.

Flatworms are distinguished into four classes: mobsters (This guy lives a free life, he is a carnivore and to feed himself they dig until they find their food), monogens (this variant is found in fish and amphibians), cestodes and flukes (These two are characterized especially because they tend to live as parasites of some mammals including man). The last three are also characterized by not presenting a head.

The cestodes, on the other hand, are those that habitually inhabit man, being had it or lonely worm the most common type. The most common way in which man enters them into his body is by eating foods that contain tapeworm eggs, such as fruits, vegetables, and undercooked meat.

There are very characteristic symptoms that allow us to notice the presence of tapeworms in humans, such as: nausea, weight loss, sleep, gastrointestinal pain, lack of appetite and a lot of nervousness.

However, given the serious health consequences that tapeworms can trigger such as blindness, brain injuries and seizures, immediate consultation with a medical professional will be required as soon as the aforementioned symptoms are felt.

Meanwhile, the best way to prevent them is to properly clean the food and, in the case of meat, eat it well cooked.

Too, the word flatworm is used to refer to everything related to or typical of the flatworm species.

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