
naming definition

The word denomination refers to an identifying name or expression, that is, the mission of that name or that expression that is attributed to this or that thing, person or situation, is to identify them against the rest of the same species or category , so that they can be recognized and of course not confused.

Name or expression whose mission is to identify something or someone

The denomination helps precisely in this sense, in calling things or people by name in order to refer to them and distinguish them.

Proper names

A typical example of a naming is the own names that people receive after they are born.

Our parents, before we are born, choose from among hundreds of alternatives the name that they will give us to call us and that this is also the one that will distinguish us from the rest. Ana, Paula, Florencia, Laura, Diego, Martín, Pablo, Nicolás are some of the most common denominations of people.

That name that is chosen, together with the surname of the parents, will be one of the unique identifications of an individual.

The law of the countries requires parents, once their child is born, to be entered in the civil registry of the persons with the chosen name and the corresponding surname, which will be consigned in the national identity document that will be issued by this body and that will also have a specific numbering for each person.

Legal persons, which are those organizations with rights and obligations that exist as institutions but not as individuals before the law, are also required to have a name for their identification.

Help in identification

The denomination or name cannot be missing from anyone, be it a natural or legal person, because in addition to serving for their identification, it allows them to obtain rights, fulfill obligations and assume some responsibilities if they correspond.

Likewise, most of the things and objects in this world that we touch, see, or interact with have their own names, a situation that helps us to recognize and distinguish them from among various equals.

Although some names, such as proper names and most of the things we use do not change, some, such as the name of an organism, institution or subject that is taught in a faculty, are plausible to undergo a change in their name without affecting their identity, something that would be impossible in the case of proper names. Many times these changes in the denominations respond to clarifications or to make some issues, situations or institutions better distinguishable from others.

Designation of origin: quality certificate of a product

And on the other hand it is known as Appellation of origin to the certificate and official guarantee of the quality and the place of origin that accompanies certain products.

For a product to receive the aforementioned certificate, it must meet special conditions such as: the production process and modification of what is produced must be carried out in the same territory in which the quality regulations in question apply; manufacturers must assume the commitment to submit their products to all the controls that are required and that allow to determine their quality and fitness to be consumed as guaranteed; the product must meet a series of conditions that are stipulated previously.

The final objective of this certificate is that consumers can know for sure, with this identification, that the product they are purchasing has a difference and a higher quality than the rest of the similar proposals, and that of course this seal is given to them. guarantees, since it has gone through the effective fulfillment of all the aforementioned conditions.

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