
vertex definition

At the behest of the Geometry the vertex is he point at which the two sides of an angle meet or three or more planes. Also, to the cusp of a cone or pyramid is called a vertex. And to point on a curve at which the curvature reaches a maximum or minimum point it is called as vertex.

By his side in the Graph Theory, which is the one that study the properties of graphs, the vertices turn out to be the fundamental units that make up the aforementioned graphs (non-empty set of vertices). In the case of undirected graphs are composed of vertices and edges (unordered pairs of vertices), on the other hand, the directed graphs they are composed of vertices and arcs, which are ordered pairs of vertices.

On the other hand, in addition to Geometry, the term has a recurring use in the fields of Cartography and Topography, since it designates the point on a surface that exceeds in altitude all other points immediately adjacent to it. Therefore, the word stands as a synonym for the word summit or the word summit, referring to the highest part of a mountain, for example.

And this is precisely the other use of the word, to account for the extreme or highest point that presents a thing.Incredibly, much earlier than expected, the climbers reached the top of the mountain.

Meanwhile, the geodesic vertex It is the signal that is used to indicate an exact position that is part of a network of triangles, formed in turn by other geodesic vertices.

And in Anatomy When talking about vertex, it will be referring to that highest part of the head of vertebrates and arthropods. In humans, the cranial vertex is made up of the frontal bone, the parietal bones, and the occipital bone joined together through the coronary suture, the sagittal suture, and the lambdoid suture.

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