
definition of indifferent

The word indifferent is the most widely used term to account for that individual who is characterized by not showing taste or inclination for anything, or failing that, one who stands out for not showing affection or interest with respect to another person or something specific.

It should be noted that this lack of interest that someone shows can be an ingrained and recurring characteristic in someone's personality or it can be motivated by some special situation that triggers it and therefore not manifest at all times.

For example, when an individual has a bad experience with another, which culminates in a serious confrontation between the two, it is common that after this event, if an encounter arises, the two or one of them is indifferent to the other.

It is also frequent to use the word to express when it does not matter that something is or is done in one way or another.

The state of mind that remains in the indifferent person is popularly known as indifference and it will stand out because whoever is in it feels neither interest nor repulsion for something or someone, that is, it will not demonstrate a positive state such as emotion, nor a state considered negative, such is the case of repulsion .

On psychology, when an individual permanently demonstrates a state of mind with the aforementioned characteristics, a social relationship problem, called as apathy. In this situation, the person does not show any type of response to emotional, social, or physical stimuli, and it is considered the simplest level that depression presents.

Among the variety of synonyms that this term presents, that of disinterested, without a doubt, it stands as the most used. Meanwhile, the word that directly opposes this term is that of excited, which on the contrary to indifferent refers to that person who is easy to move and who expresses it with ease every time he feels moved.

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