
definition of goodness

The term goodness refers to one of the almost exclusive and most characteristic features of the human being, only shared with some animal species in which, in any case, it is not present as conspicuously as in humans. Kindness is the virtue that allows an individual to feel sorry for another and act for the benefit of the second in order to give him various pleasant sensations such as feeling happy, feeling loved, feeling safe, feeling accompanied, etc.

Disciplines such as philosophy, sociology or psychology are interested in the study of human behavior and its values ​​in society. Goodness then appears as one of the most true and natural traits in the human being that, depending on the environment or context in which that individual grows up, can be enhanced or neutralized. Kindness means acting for the benefit of another individual, animal, or living being with the ultimate goal of providing love, protection, happiness, security, and well-being. Goodness can be represented in a thousand ways, although it is always considered accompanied by other values ​​such as purity of soul, tranquility, patience, moderation and others.

Kindness is one of the most important elements of almost all religions, especially Christianity. This religion bases its philosophy not only on the love and goodness of God but also on the love and goodness of Jesus Christ, his only son, for the rest of human beings. The goodness of Jesus is that which made him give himself up in life to protect other humans.

Although human goodness appears at the moment when individuals coexist in community or society, it is also this circumstance that can lead man to be clouded by other values ​​such as self-centeredness, constant competition, greed, envy or the abandonment and therefore the disappearance of kind and supportive traits towards their companions.

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