
definition of Castilian

Spanish is a language of great popularity and diffusion on the planet. As with several other languages, Castilian is a derivative of Latin and its characteristic elements have been achieved from the development that this language had in the Iberian region, mainly in the current area of ​​Spain. Spanish can also appear in many spaces as a Spanish language and although they maintain some differences, both languages ​​are generally considered one and the same. It is important to note that Castilian or Spanish is one of the most widely spoken and widespread languages ​​in the world today.

When we speak of the Castilian language, we must refer to that language that comes from the Spanish region of Castile. In a sense, Castilian can be understood as one of the possible forms of Spanish since it takes several elements from it. The difference between Spanish and Castilian becomes quite noticeable in regional terms: although they all officially speak Spanish, Latin American countries speak a form closer to Castilian while in Spain Spanish is clearly spoken. The variations can be given from the conjugation of some verbs, from the use of personal pronouns such as "vos" or "tú" instead of "tú" and "tú", and so on. The particular colloquial elements of each country can also be seen as differentiations between one language and another.

If we speak of Castilian without making a major difference between it and Spanish, we can say that it is one of the most important languages ​​in the world since a large part of the population (Spain, almost all of Latin America and some regions of Southeast Asia) consider it the mother tongue. In addition, many others also understand it as a second or third grade language, which means that its teaching has become accessible and present in much of the world, including the English-speaking world.

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