
study definition

Study is the development of skills and abilities by incorporating new knowledge; This process is generally done through reading. The education system through which the socialization of the person takes place, has as a correlate that a high number of hours are dedicated to the analysis of various topics. It is because of that A series of strategies have been developed in order to make the task of studying simpler and to achieve better results.. Although these methods are varied, it is possible to highlight a series of recurring patterns.

In general, most study systems emphasize the importance of begin the task of acquiring new knowledge in a certain area from a superficial reading of the topic. Thus, what is sought in the first instance is to access a very global panorama of what it is intended to know in depth. This initial reading is particularly important when it comes to either topics for which there are previous ideas or concepts, or when an analysis or incorporation of knowledge is being carried out in a non-native language (as occurs in the interpretation of scientific texts in a language other than that of the reader).

Another highly reiterated recommendation is highlight the main ideas. This process helps the student from two points of view: on the one hand, the student has to perform a careful reading to separate the essential from the accessory, fixing concepts, and, on the other hand, it creates a very simplified "reference map" that they will serve for an eventual quick review. This stage can be complemented with the realization of diagrams and synoptic tables. Algorithms are another interesting strategy to facilitate study techniques, since they allow a better interpretation of the relationship between different categorical concepts in the text.

Once the different notions have been incorporated, it is important to submit to questions about these. This process is due to the importance of knowing the cause and effect relationships in the subject, that is, knowing the reasons that link the different concepts, so that the learning is deep and not a mere repetition of words. Among the favorite methods in this regard, self-evaluation stands out, or, when the study is decided collectively, cross-questioning between different students, to motivate openness to different interpretations and nuances of the contents that have been incorporated. Likewise, there are currently real databases of multiple-choice questions or resolution problems that represent sources of consultation when evaluating one's own knowledge and, at the same time, defining the real capacity of the student at the same time. moment of an examination situation.

Finally, it should be noted that motivation is the most important element to face the task of studying any discipline. Thanks to this, the various obstacles that arise will be overcome, constantly maintaining enthusiasm; Instead, without it, whatever system is used will be ineffective in the long run. The skill of the teacher is perhaps one of the most relevant factors in terms of motivation, especially when the content offered is complex or of little general diffusion. Virtual tools and audiovisual media have constituted a special step in this context, given that the possibility of interaction between the speaker and the student currently reaches levels unsuspected in other times. Real-time conferences, forums and virtual chat rooms (chat) have resulted in motivation becoming a very important resource in terms of facilitating the study.

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