
definition of prosopopeia

Probably because of its name this concept does not sound so common to us, however, it is one of the rhetorical or literary figures that we apply the most in our sayings and one of those that we most obviously find at the behest of literature.

The prosopopeia consists of attributing to those objects and things that do not have life or that have an abstract character, characteristics, actions and even qualities of people or beings with life.

Moreover, the word is also applied when it is wanted to warn that a person presents a lack of naturalness in excess at the time of expressing itself. That is, when someone speaks very difficult or very solemn before an audience that does not correspond or that could not capture the way in which they express themselves.

Literary or rhetorical figures are not common ways of using the words of our alphabet, that is, we use these words for their original meanings, however, if they read some singularities of the phonetic, grammatical or semantic type are added and then they end up giving them a hyper expressive return.

By case it is that the rhetorical figures abound in the literary space, being practically a distinctive element.

However, this does not mean that they are also widely used in colloquial language, especially, with the case at hand, that of the prosopopeia, a literary figure that in common language has a great acceptance.

This type of figure is grouped into two large groups, on the one hand the diction figures which are those in which the forms of the words are affected, and on the other hand the figures of thought in which it is thought that is affected. It is to this last group and to the subdivision of fictional figures that the prosopopeia belongs.

Fictional figures are precisely those that allow rather fantastic situations to be presented as real.

It is worth noting that prosopopoeia is also called personification.

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