
definition of occupation

According to the use that is given to it, the term Occupation may refer to various issues ... In general terms, by occupation refers to the action and result of occupying or occupying. For example, the rebel action culminated in the occupation of the town hall.

As long as and at the request of civil law, occupation is the way of acquiring ownership of those things that lack an owner and basically consists of the material apprehension of the thing or material good, accompanied by the intention of acquiring ownership of it. In this sense, occupation can take different forms, occupation of animate things, for example in fishing and hunting, and occupation of inanimate things, which is also often referred to as an invention, a find, among other synonyms.

On the other hand, in the military sphere, the term is widely used, since in this context occupation is the stationing of the regular forces of an army or foreign armies in national or colonial territory.

This occupation may be due to the following motivations: in guarantee or support of a specific political regime, maintenance of an armistice situation, of an economic or political claim, as a consequence of the invasion or conquest in times of war, the latter being the occupation most recurrent and oldest military that we can find.

In another order of things, as in Urbanism, occupation, the parameter that determines the number of square meters that a building can have on the ground is called, in what is the projection on the ground, with respect to the surface of the land in question .

Also, the term occupation is often used when you want to account for a responsibility or concern. For example, when my occupations allow it, I will be going to visit my family that resides in the North of the country.

And the last of the uses that the term registers is as synonyms for employment (salaried work in the service of an employer), vocation (desire to carry out a profession or activity although the knowledge and skills necessary to carry it out have not yet been acquired) and profession (action or function that is deployed in a field, company, organization, for which a livelihood is received and that usually requires specialized knowledge always acquired through formal education).

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