
what is the starry night (painting) »definition and concept

This work by the Dutch impressionist Vincent Van Gogh was painted in 1889. Whoever observes it may be fascinated by its intense colors, a glowing moon or by its unique starry sky full of hypnotism. Today "The Starry Night" is housed in the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York and is viewed by thousands of visitors each year. Today no one dares to discuss the quality of his work, but during his life practically no one recognized his worth as a creator.

The personal situation of its creator provides relevant information

Van Gogh (1853-1890) was a tormented man who suffered intense episodes of depression, hallucinations, and seizures. His work went practically unnoticed and he was financially dependent on his brother Theo. Due to his precarious physical, emotional and economic situation, he decided to enter the French asylum of Saint-Rémy. During this period he found a certain inner peace that allowed him to develop his work with. One of the details that most caught his attention about that place was the view he had from the window of his modest room.

At dusk he watched the sunset in all its splendor and this shocking image was finally translated into the famous painting of "The Starry Night". The landscape he saw was painted in different versions: at different times of the day, with rain or with different characters. However, the starry nights caught his attention powerfully.

Those in charge of the asylum did not let him paint in his room, so "The Starry Night" was painted from a combination of his memory and the sketches he made outside.

Possible interpretations that are appreciated

The images that appear in "The Starry Night" have elicited all kinds of interpretations. It has been said that the stars symbolize his religious past, that the spiraling sky is a reflection of his tormented mind, that the cypress trees that appear represent the idea of ​​death, and that the small village in the painting is related to his hometown.

Reading his letters reveals that Van Gogh was a man of passion, so the theme of "The Starry Night" can be interpreted as a manifestation of his state of mind during his stay in Saint-Rémy.

A curious fact about this painting is the fact that Van Gogh himself had a negative assessment of it (this data is known from the correspondence he had with his brother Theo).

The hypnotic image of the night sky also appears in other of his paintings, such as "The coffee terrace at night", "The church of Aurves" or "Starry night over the Rhone".

Photo: Fotolia - matiasdelcarmine

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