
definition of energy resources

A resource is that good or means that someone has and that as such allows them to satisfy a need, specify an end, among the most salient.

In the meantime, An energy resource will be that thing, medium, that is plausible to be used as an efficient energy source, that is, through it it is possible to obtain energy correctly and satisfactorily.

Nature provides a variety of these types of resources, including gas, oil, carbon, which can be used to just achieve energy.

Now, it is worth noting that these are resources that may be exhausted at some point and therefore it is very important that they be carefully cared for and that their exploitation is carried out within a framework of absolute responsibility, taking into account this exhaustion and other problems that threaten the balance. of the environment when its use is carried out indiscriminately. For example, in the precise case of oil, the generation of energy from its use inevitably generates greenhouse gases that directly impact global warming.

Among the exposed resources, the one that stands as the great star is oil, being by case the most demanded energy resource in the entire world. Meanwhile, the impressive progress and development that has been observed in the world has generated an even greater need for it.

Of course, this situation was hand in hand with the increase in its value and also to this fact causes such as the reduction in the discovery of more deposits and the instability resulting from wars that are experienced in many of the producing areas can be added, such is the case of the Middle East.

Undoubtedly, resources of this type are key when it comes to the economic development of nations and that is why they are so precious when reserves are available in certain geographical places, but unfortunately and as a consequence of the eagerness they arouse is that they are they produce some calamities.

A solution to the problems raised would be to deepen the search and development of new forms of energy that coexist with those mentioned and that are healthy for the planet.

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