
definition of reader

Without a doubt, the most popular use that we give to this word is that which allows us to express that individual who reads, be it a book, a newspaper, a magazine, a document, among other materials that are plausible to be read, and who can do so both silently and aloud, and in various contexts.

Person who reads a written text and who has a special inclination for reading

It should be noted that this sense of the word is mostly used to refer to those people who have an important interest in the activity of reading, which leads them to be constantly reading those works or materials of interest.

Entertain, inform or learn

Meanwhile, this reading that is carried out may have entertainment as its mission, such is the previous case; It can be done to find out about the current reality of the country in which you live (through the newspapers), or to learn about a specific issue.

My cousin Juan is an avid reader of science fiction books, we always give him one for his birthday.”

Assistant professor who teaches his language in a university

On the other hand, in the academic universe, the reader is called individual who works as an assistant professor, teaching his own language at a foreign university.

They are not always formal teachers but in some cases they are advanced students who handle the language of the country in which they are studying very well, and then they dedicate themselves at the same time to teaching pronunciation and grammar of their country of origin to others.

Professionals who analyze the originals of a book in a publishing house

Also in the editorial scope It is possible to find ourselves with the use of the word reader since in this way the individuals who are in charge of analyzing the originals that are received and also advising on them.

Electronic device that reads information

And a reader can also be the one electronic device used to read information, that is, to reproduce it, and that it has been recorded on certain media.

The optic reader It is a special type of device that allows the reading of marks and characters that contain a code.

Reading, a daily activity that allows us to learn

Reading, which is the activity carried out by readers, is one of the most common that human beings display in their daily lives, either from the simple reading of a notice that they find stuck on the door of their house, warning on the repair of something, until the conscientious reading of a text that will be part of a final exam in the career they study.

During this procedure, the person visually goes through a document, a book, among others, which is composed of graphic linguistic symbols, which they will interpret thanks to their knowledge of the language, and which they will later incorporate into their cognitive structure.

A few centuries ago, the possibility of reading and writing was destined for a small portion of the population that was the one who could access education because they had economic resources.

The poor and marginal classes did not have this possibility, and were illiterate.

This situation could be reversed when education became compulsory and free in the world.

Those people who read a text and cannot understand it are called functionally illiterate.

The ability to read and write of a person, usually acquired around the age of five, or a little earlier, can be learned first at home, and then perfected with entry to school.

In initial education, the readings that are taught are rather basic and simple, that is, they are according to the age of the reader, with the advancement of schooling, of course, they become more complex, for example, in secondary school , students read texts that demand greater mental training and cognitive development and that would be incomprehensible to a child.

We cannot ignore that unfortunately today, new technologies, with their benefits and disadvantages, have caused young people to spend less time reading today than a person dedicated a century ago.

When television, computer or cell phones did not exist, people spent their leisure time reading, while today they are distracted by watching TV programs, or playing games on computers or cell phones.

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