
definition of walk

In the field of sports and health, walking is one more possibility to exercise and perfect for different people because it does not generate great demands or high impact so that it cannot injure or harm as other more demanding sports can. do it. The walk is a way to be in movement and exercise the body without requiring a great previous training or access to expensive or exclusive exercise and physical activity centers, that is, anyone can do it.

When we talk about walking, we are talking about an exercise that is based precisely on walking in a rhythmic, constant way and at the speed or intensity that one wants. Walking is often used to exercise as it keeps the cardiovascular system in action, it also allows you to exercise the respiratory system, lose weight and improve muscles. However, unlike other sports or types of physical activity, the walk also allows you to visit different places and enjoy the landscape, so this is added as a very important detail when it comes to the fun that a sport can mean.

Walking is usually recommended for seniors because it is an exercise that does not involve dangers and that everyone can regulate according to their needs, abilities, wishes and medical recommendations. In any case, it is usually suggested to take walks of around thirty minutes each day (at the speed you want) in such a way that the body is always active and that sedentary lifestyle is avoided.

To go on a walk, you don't need too much equipment: it is only suggested to have comfortable shoes specially designed for this purpose. Otherwise, having the wrong footwear can easily mean injury or harm to those who carry out the activity.

There are different types of walks that are designed for different tastes. Thus, there are walks that may involve greater risk or adventure (known as trekking) and that are usually done in open spaces. There are also walks that may require other implements (such as the Nordic walking that uses poles), walks that are interested in improving speed, etc.

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