
definition of approval

The word approval allows to account for the consent, conformity or assent that an individual gives or maintains on a certain situation or issue or also on an individual.

Juan gave me his approval of the project so we got down to work with my team to make it happen. Laura gave me her approval of the fabric of the dress so now it remains to make it.”

Consent that someone gives about something, a topic or a person

It is undoubtedly a concept that, in addition to being able to be applied to things, issues and people, has a varied use in our language, being able to be used in different contexts and situations.


The concept of approval is usually applied at the behest of the consent or assent regarding a doctrine, an idea, a proposal or an opinionTherefore, it is a term frequently used at the behest of the political sphere.

His resounding victory in the legislative elections undoubtedly marks citizen approval of his management in the city.”

Another area in which the term approval is also used repeatedly is in the academicSince at the behest of an exam or evaluation, obtaining a positive grade is called approval.

That is, although many systems use the methodology of numbers to grade student evaluations or exams, from 1 to 10 normally, it is also common for the methodology that consists of passing or failing to be applied.

Of course, the approval will imply that the student passed, passed the exam of that subject and will not have to take it again, and on the contrary, the disapproval implies that they will have to present themselves for a second chance.

Passing my last exam with such a high grade really surprised me as I expected less. I am waiting for the approval of the subject to be able to go on vacation.

When the student receives approval, he will obviously feel happy and will be able to continue with the advancement in the study of the career, or failing that, pass a grade or level.

If this does not happen and you fail, you will have to take the exam again, and if you fail again, you will usually have to take the level in question again.

At the level of interpersonal relationships and with regard to the social, it is very common for people to need the approval of others in countless situations in order to move forward with projects, ideas, initiatives, or even continue with some relationship that has been established with someone, among other issues.

I need my mother's approval before marrying Juan.”

This last example just clearly shows us what we discussed in the last case, since it is extremely common for people to submit to the approval or disapproval of others, whether at a personal, social or work level.

In the personal case, many times, parents who are very rigorous with the education and social relationships that their children establish, tend to get involved and can even be decisive if they do not like the person their children frequent, that is, the disapproves; that may even mark the end of that relationship.

On the contrary, the disapproval is the opposite concept of approval; disapproval implies the disapproval or non-assent of something, a project, an idea, a proposal, a person, among other alternatives.

The other side: disapproval

Disapproval also supposes a lack of support on the part of those who have the mission to approve or disapprove of the issue in question. Disapproval will usually trigger discouragement in the person who receives the bad news.

My boss totally disapproved of my sales project so I don't think I will participate in the next employee promotion. His disapproval marked me so much that I still cannot resume the project.”

That is, whoever is disapproved of something will feel it as a failure and it will be difficult if you doubt to be able to start over to achieve approval.

Of course everything depends on the degree of guts, effort and will that a person puts into things, there is the key to be able to overcome the obstacles that are crossed.

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