
definition of illustrator

That of illustrator It is a professional activity that is associated with artistic expression since the illustrator is the person who is dedicated to illustrating texts, literature of any kind, comics, comics, and also graphic material of all kinds, such is the case of greeting cards , flyers and advertising posters, among others.

Basically what the illustrator does is accompany with images of his own creation the message that is transmitted through a book or any text. This combination is often very effective because it helps not only to better understand the message in question but also because it helps to reinforce what it is intended to convey.

There are people who tend to capture images better than the written word, and then it is in this sense that the illustrator's activity is key because he can help through his drawings to clarify concepts that are difficult to understand. It can also assist in understanding the operation of a machine, since sometimes seeing the operation is more clarifying than reading it.

But also and beyond the teaching and understanding functions that we attribute to it, the illustrator, with his graphic work, will make the literary product or book in question more interesting, because undoubtedly images are much more attractive than words for the most people. Not to mention children who tend to be more attracted to illustrated products than to those that only contain text.

So, in this sense, the illustrator's task will certainly also be related to providing entertainment as well as knowledge.

Paper and pencil have been the traditional, classic allies of illustrators in their work, however, the emergence of new technologies has modified this long relationship a bit, and computers inevitably gained ground in the activity. However, this does not imply that there are not many illustrators who continue to work as they used to, with their paper and pencil and doing it with the same quality as always.

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