
definition of psychologist

Is named Psychologist to person who is professionally dedicated to Psychology in general, or especially to some of the areas of it. Meanwhile, the psychology is the science that deals with study of mental processes in their three dimensions: thought, emotions and behavior.

As a consequence of being such a complex science that it proposes different ways of observing and interpreting the mind and behavior of men, it is that progressively and over the years there has been a growing specialization within it.

Thus, once the professional psychologist obtains his degree as such, he will be able to specialize in one or several areas of work within Psychology. Among the most prominent and recurring specializations we find the following ...

The experimental psychologist is recognized as the older specialization within the discipline, approximately towards the end of the XIX century, when psychology was born. The exclusive work of this will be the scientific research and the expansion of knowledge about psychological phenomena.

On your side, the psychopathologist is that professional specialized in psychopathology, that is, in the psychological irregularities manifested by certain individuals.

Meanwhile, the clinical psychologistIt would be the psychologist as we mostly think of it, the one who sees patients in his office or in a hospital. He will focus his work especially on the diagnosis, he will look for the causes and will wield the future treatment that a patient should follow according to the previous two.

And the psychological advisor will deal mainly with treating those problems that arise in the adaptation of any person, for example, when the completion of secondary studies is imminent and there is no clear vocation, generally, these psychologists are consulted to guide us to find it through of interviews, tests, among other tools.

The main job opportunities for a psychologist are: in a clinic, in the human resources area of ​​an organization or company, in schools, in research, especially in universities, in courts of law, among the most recurrent.

On the other hand, in common language the term is often used to refer to that person who has a great capacity to know the temperament and the reactions of the rest. In addition to a great friend, Carlos, he has been a psychologist for me all these years, he knew me better than anyone.

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